The project is created within the UrbanANTs competition organized by Siemens the purpose of which was to create a prototype of a hub for an innovative transportation method designed by Siemens - ANT - that consist of two parts: drive- and life-units. It is able to move on rails and streets via changing the bottom drive-unit while the life-unit can also be used stationary.
The hub design can be recreated on any spot, where the street and rails are crossing and thus can be an easy universal solution for incorporating ANTs into the urban space.
The project was developed as part of my Bachelor Thesis and received an honorable mention in the UrbanANTs competition.

Examples of possible project locations based on the city of Aachen

Movement pattern: ANTs and cars

Movement pattern: cyclists and pedestrians

Street Level Floor Plan

Rail Level Floor Plan

Street-Level View

View of Vertical Circulation

ANT Moving from Rail to Street Drive-Unit

Detailed Section (text is in German)

