You can find the sourse code for my coding projects on my GitHub: katebogd
Quiz Generator
This simple project was developed with a goal of learning how to work with OpenAI API and JSON. It generates a 10-question quiz on the user-defined topic using ChatGPT and then renders this quiz, allowing user to test their knowledge immediately.
The site is implemented using the Flask framework on Python that uses OpenAI API and JSON for quiz generation, as well as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with Bootstrap styles and components.
You can the sourse code for the project at

MealPlan is a website, that allows you to create recipes and then build meal plans from them. The meal plan calculates the total required amount for each ingredient thus allowing for easy grocery shopping.
This was my final project for the CS50x course that I took as part of my self-education. I first developed the design in Figma. See the process of designing this project at MealPlan.
The site is implemented using the Flask framework on Python, an SQL database, as well as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with Bootstrap styles and components.
You can see how the project works at